Sunday, June 7, 2015

DP-3 Complain Format to Magistrate


NOTE:- Advise available for all countries laws vis-a-vis adultery & divorce so if you want divorce from your adulterous wife & want to have Consultation with ATUR CHATUR by paying him the consultation fees then contact him at +91-9873540498 & must also leave an email at ATURCHATUR@YAHOO.COM

DP-3 Complain Format to Magistrate


Complaint No. __________ of 2011

Name and Address of the Complainant

— Complainant


Mrs . (Name and address of Mrs.X)

Mr. FIL (Name and address of FIL)

Mrs.MIL (Name and address of MIL)

Mr BIL (Name and Address of BIL)

Ms./Mrs.SIL (Name and address of SIL)


Respected Sir,

The complainant respectfully submits as under:-

1. That the complainant is permanent resident of (address of the complainant)

2. That the accused No. 1 is the wife of the complainant.The accused No.2 and

3 are father-in-law and mother-in-law of the complainant.The accused No.4 is the

brother-in-law and accused no.5 is the sister-in-law of the complainant.

3. That the marriage of the complainant was solemnized with accused no. 1 on 31-08-2010 .However no child was born out the said wedlock.

4. That at the time of the said marriage, it was one of the condition of the complainant and his family members that the marriage should be solemnized in a very simple manner and no dowry/cash/ornaments etc shall be given to the accused no.1 and the complainant and his family members by the accused no. 2,3,4 & 5 and their family relatives.

5. That in spite of the aforesaid condition of the complainant and his family members, the accused persons left the dowry articles in shape of Cash/ Ornaments/clothes/other articles in (address of the matrimonial relationship) (Detailed list is enclosed herewith as Annexure A-1 with the present complaint, which may be read as part and parcel of this complaint also).It is most respectfully submitted that the complainant and his family members, time and again, requested the accused persons to take back the aforesaid dowry articles as they were having no lust for it.And further the said articles already existed in the house of the complainant.

6. That the accused no. 1 remained in the matrimonial house with the complainant and his family for ___ months and during this time the complainant and his father notices sharp changes in the behavior of the accused no. 1 as she started creating bad atmosphere in the house and started quarreling with the complainant and his family members on pity issues. The situation started getting worsened day by day due to frequent interference of the accused no.2,3,4& 5 in the matrimonial relationship of the complainant and accused no.1. The complainant was having great expectations from the accused no. 1 ,as after marriage, she will maintain their house being an Indian women. However the accused no.1 never realized her responsibility and always harassed the complainant and his family members on small and petty matters.

7 That with the passage of the time, behavior of the accused no. 1, became too worse and later on accused no.1 started to harass the complainant to leave old age ailing parents of the complainant and though them out of the house or to be a GHAR JAMAI and live with her parents. It is submitted here that the complainant, time and again, requested the accused no. 1 to treat his parents and her own parents and give their proper care and respect..However accused no. 1 remained strict to her condition.

8. That thereafter, the accused no. 1 in conspiracy with other accused persons started making allegations on the complainant and his family regarding demand of dowry and further started threatening to implicate them in a false and frivolous cases (both criminal and Civil)

9. That when the accused persons failed to force the complainant to throw the old age ailing parents of the complainant from the matrimonial house of the complainant and accused no.1 or shift to the parental home of accused no. 1 and be a GHAR JAMAI,thereafter,the accused no. 1 lodged a false and frivolous complain against the complainant. On the basis of said complaint, FIR no._____ dated mm/dd/yyyy under section ____,_____& _____ of Indian Penal Code in _______ Police Station .It is most respectfully submitted that in the said FIR, it was alleged by the accused no. 1 that her parents have given Dowry articles delared in annexure “A1” and further accused no.2,3,4&5 have given a sum of Rs.1,50,000/-(Rupees One lakh fifty thousand only) as dowry before marriage, which were never demanded by the complainant and his family members. Besides this the accused no.1 had given list of articles including ornaments, clothes, electronic products, cash and other household articles with the said FIR, which they have allegedly given as Dowry in the said marriage.List of the articles prepared by the accused no.1 is enclosed herewith for the kind perusal of this Hon’ble court. It is

relevant to mention here that the aforesaid list is handwritten by accused no. 1 and further she has signed it.

10. That it is submitted that the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, as amended up-to-date stipulated that anyone who demands or gives dowry can face punishment. In this peculiar circumstances ,it is absolutely proved that the accused persons have admitted that they have given dowry to complainant and his family members. Hence, the complainant seeks indulgence of this Hon’ble Court that directions may be issued to the concerned SHO to register a case against the accused persons.

11. That it is submitted here that the articles stated in Annexure A-1 were given by the accused persons, treating it consideration for marriage.

12. That in the modern days, there are multiple cases, containing false and baseless allegations under section IPC 498A and the Domestic Violence Act 2005, are being filed against husbands and their parents relatives. And the said FIR is one example, where the complainant and his family members have suffered in the hands of the accused persons. And the accused persons are taking premium of their own wrongs.

13. That the complainants video complaint dated dd/mm/yyyy requested to Superintendent of Police/Office of the Police Commissioner (as per the case) City Name, to register a case against the accused persons under Section 3 of Dowry Prohibition Act,1961. However no action has been taken by the police against the said accused and the complainant, without having any other option, has invoked the jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court. Hence the present complaint. It is, therefore, respectfully prayed that the present complaint may kindly be accepted and directions to be issued under section 156(3) Cr.P.C. to the concerned S.H.O. to lodge an FIR under section 3 of Dowry Prohibition Act against the accused persons and to investigate the matter in accordance with law, in the interest of justice.

Place : Name of your City –Complainant

Dated: dd/mm/yyyy

–Through Counsel or PARTY-IN-PERSON [PIP]

(Name of the advocated OR Name of Self if it is PIP)

Hope this will help you guys....................all the best

Issued in Public Interest by ATUR CHATUR COUNSELLING *

शादी से पहले और शादी के बाद 
ATUR CHATUR  को रखना याद



*Disclaimer:- Atur Chatur is my pen name. I am Delhi University Ex-Lecturer. I am NOT a lawyer. I am a PIP (Party-in-Person). I filed Perjury (fraud on court) on lies of my wife with proofs. I filed court case against Police/CAW. I filed complaint against Judge Family Court (JFC) due to unethical practices/ gender discrimination which resulted in JFC Recusal. I also became a RTI Activist. I acquired all other knowledge/info after false 498a/DVC/Divorce/ CAW cases were filed against me & entire family & my income greatly affected so I have chosen this profession to support my family & also to support my one man fight against gender discrimination in India. Counselling Fees = 2,999 only for approx one hour talking to you & suggesting you few methods like RTI or other methods which is based on my knowledge which I acquired while fighting false cases. Fees is subject to change due to urgency & other factors so please confirm. I do not provide legal opinion/ legal advise or anything like that. All written by me & my suggestions etc is my personal views. You yourself will be responsible for acting on any of my counseling/ advises / consult / guidance etc. Fees for the RTI & any other writing work is to be paid separately & does not come under counselling fees. Pls ask the fees before getting any work done. Fees once paid (even if paid in excess) are not refundable under any circumstances. I do not provide legal opinion/ legal advise or anything like that. All written by me & views/ writings/ RTI/ suggestions/ counselling guidance etc are my personal views. You yourself will be responsible for acting on any of my counselling/ advises / consult / guidance etc. The author and his family haven't bribed any public official nor have they given in to the extortion. This blog aims to raise awareness of due process in India. The content of this blog constitutes, opinions, observations, and publicly available documents. The intent is not to slander or defame anyone or any institution and is the manifestation of the author's right to freedom of expression – with all the protections this right guarantees. There has been no advertisement, personal communication, solicitation, invitation or inducement of any sort whatsoever from us or any of our members to solicit any work through this website. The user wishes to gain more information about us for his/her own information and use. The information about us is provided to the user only his/her specific request and any information obtained or materials downloaded from this website is completely at the user's volition and any transmission, receipt or use of this site would not create any lawyer-client relationship. The information provided under this website is solely available at your request for information purposed only, should not be interpreted as soliciting or advertisement. We are not liable for any consequence of any action taken by the user relying on legal material/information provided under this website. In cases where the user has any legal dowry consultation issues, he/she in all cases must seek independent legal advice from his own reliable sources & contacts.. Disputes if any shall be subject to Delhi Jurisdiction only. General Disclaimer applies.

DP-3 Complain Format to Magistrate

PLEASE FIRST READ DISCLAIMER AT BOTTOM* NOTE:- Advise available for all countries  laws  vis-a-vis adultery & divorce so if yo...
